Highway 27: In Search of my Eudaimonia

Name: William Riera

Other names used: William Riera Santiesteban (En EE.UU. el apellido materno no se usa)

Place of Birth: Santiago de Cuba, Cuba

Nationality: Cuban American

Date of Birth: September 27th, 1967

My academic journey has been shaped by my dual passion for technology and art. I obtained a degree in Software Systems Engineering in Havana, complemented by numerous professional courses at American educational institutions. Additionally, I earned a Master's degree in Modern and Contemporary Art in Mexico City, where I also completed several certificate programs focusing on photography, art criticism, and image analysis.

Married: No way!

Children: None but would have loved to have had at least one.

My companion: my cat Lucky (a yellow Ragamuffin Scorpion creature, born in 2004)

Principal jobs:
Despite my preference for a creative environment, all of my professional roles have been within the realm of information technology. Since 1998, I have served as an information technology analyst, developer, and technical project manager for the Miami-Dade County IT Department.

Give a brief description of this project and how it relates to your life:
En el 2022 cumplí 27 años viviendo en los Estados Unidos. Recuerdo aquellos años de 1994 y 1995 cuando residía en mi ciudad natal de Santiago de Cuba, en Cuba, en medio de aquel período de crisis nacional identificado por el gobierno comunista como el "período especial", consecuencia de la situación que atravesaba el país tras la caída del Muro de Berlín y el fin de todas las subvenciones de la "Madre Rusia" y demás países del bloque socialista. Yo era un joven ingeniero, recién graduado, que veía todas sus ilusiones y sueños destrozados; comprendía que la única solución era prostituirme o escapar del país. Fue así como un día, sin esperarlo, recibí un sobre amarillo de la Oficina Consular de EE.UU. en Cuba aceptando mi solicitud de visa de inmigrante. Sin planificación, sin recursos y apenas sabiendo cómo llevar la vida, llegué al aeropuerto de Miami y aquí establecí residencia hasta el día de hoy. Miami has been my hometown ever since, the place on our planet where I have spent most of my adult life. Here, I transitioned into manhood; I grasped the essence of freedom, sacrifice, and assuming responsibility for my life and my family's well-being. In Miami, I discovered the significance of loving Cuba and embracing Cuban identity, yet I also learned to cherish America, my adopted homeland, and the essence of being an American...

But why did I choose to work on this project traveling around Highway 27? First and foremost, the number 27 holds great significance for me. I was born on the 27th of September, and in 2022, I marked my 27th year living in Miami, Florida, more than in any other city on our planet. Interestingly, the Spanish alphabet comprises 27 letters, and the sum of 2 + 7 equals 9, corresponding to September, my birth month. Moreover, Highway 27 stands out as the least traveled road in Florida. Originating in Miami, it extends northward, culminating a few miles beyond the town of Havana, situated near the border with the State of Georgia. My journey to America commenced in La Habana in 1995, and while working on this project, I traversed to the other Havana in Florida on two occasions. Throughout this road trip, I embarked on a reflective journey, contemplating my life, my connection to the planet, and my future trajectory. The road, the car, and my travels have profoundly shaped my American experience over the years. I have traversed the country numerous times, often accompanied by the best companion: my mother, mi Estrellita viajera. Her departure from this world in 2021 left a deep void in my life, and as I entered 2022, I confronted solitude for the first time. Highway 27 epitomizes solitude; as I traversed it, I was enveloped by silence and solitude. It was through this solitary journey that I sought to discover my path to personal fulfillment, to uncover my Eudaimonia, my happiness.

This photographic series transcends mere documentation of my journey or travels as a social or urban narrative. It encapsulates an unwavering spirit of exploration, woven into the fabric of my artistic pursuit. My aim was to encapsulate the visual poetry discovered amidst my travels, engaging in a profound dialogue with each moment captured through the lens—an art form that has undeniably reshaped the essence of my being.

A mi “Estrellita viajera”, sé que algo de ti me acompaña siempre…